spacemanslot| The market is showing signs of adjustment! Patiently wait for the market to choose a new direction


In the near futureSpacemanslotThere are some signs of adjustment in China's stock market. Although most indices have fallenSpacemanslotBut the Prev is still strong. However, investors need to be aware of the stress that the market may face after the shock. Investors are advised to wait and see and wait patiently for the market to choose a new direction. At present, the hottest sectors in the market have ushered in an adjustment, in which the leading stocks of the low-level economy fell by the daily limit, and the overseas Nvidia share price plunged by 10%, which led to the decline of A-share concept stocks, and the dividend index also fell sharply.

Although the Prev is still strong, market sentiment has weakened and hot sectors have fallen one after another. The recent decline in several hot sectors is not a good thing for the market. At the same time, the overall market turnover has shrunk, and there has also been a net outflow of northbound funds, which may mean that the market will enter the stock game and consolidation period. The important moment is coming, can A-shares hold on? Domestic economic repair is weak, overseas Fed interest rate cuts are expected to slow, the increment is limited, and the market is in a bottleneck. The Shanghai index remains strong at a time when other major indices are adjusted.

spacemanslot| The market is showing signs of adjustment! Patiently wait for the market to choose a new direction

However, with the earnings season approaching in April, it remains to be seen whether the strength of the Shanghai Composite Index will continue. We believe that we need to beware of the fall of the Shanghai Composite Index. On the one hand, the overall boost in the macro aspect at home and abroad is limited, and a number of major indices have fallen, so we need to pay attention to the decline of the Shanghai Composite Index; on the other hand, there are signs of flameout in hot sectors and shrinking market transactions, so we need to pay attention to the impact of reduced activity on the market; in addition, annual and quarterly results are concentrated, and the economic structure is unstable in the first quarter, and we also need to pay attention to the interference of performance to the market.

Therefore, at the critical moment of the coming April, although there are no obvious signs of adjustment in the short term, the market is likely to diverge and fall back as a whole. It is recommended that band investors stay on the sidelines and wait patiently for the market to choose a new direction, while medium-and long-term strategic investors can find bargains and look forward to the benefits of comprehensive repair in the future.

Plate name beauty care, military industry keywords low-altitude economy, Nvidia industrial chain, dividend plate bullish bearish (bullish) A-share overall performance is strong, market hot spots weaken, trading shrinks, first-quarter performance is unstable, need to beware of the decline of the Shanghai Composite Index. Can Daniel stocks fall by the daily limit of A shares? Hexun self-selected Stock Writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.



